মঙ্গলবার, ২৮ মার্চ, ২০১৭

How to Check for Dead Links on Blogspot.

Links to other websites can become dead over time. Websites may go down completely or go through a redesign without automatically redirecting old links to new pages. Your Blogspot blog�s readers won�t be happy when they click a dead link on your blog and see an error message rather than the page you originally linked to. Checking for dead links by hand can be time-consuming, so you can use a free Web-based tool to scan your blog for dead links. Use Link Checker, developed by the World Wide Web Consortium, the main standards body in charge of the Web. Open the Link Checker page on the W3C website and enter your blog�s address in the form �example.blogspot.com� into the box. Click the Check Linked Documents Recursively check box and type into the Recursion Depth box a number large enough that the Link Checker will check every page on your site. Click �Check� to scan your blog for dead links. Check for dead links with LinkTiger. Type the address of your Blogger blog into the box on the LinkTiger home page and click �Go Tiger.� Enter your email address and LinkTiger will email you with the results when it�s done. You can also purchase a LinkTiger subscription to have LinkTiger automatically check for dead links at regular intervals. Open the SEO Tools page on the Blogger Sentral website and use the Broken Link Checker tool. Scroll down to the Broken Link Checker box on the page, type your Blogspot blog�s address into the box and click